September 02 2021 0Comment

Time to Rebuild America’s Infrastructure

Dear SMART Local 66 Members,

The Biden-Harris administration has fully committed to investing in American infrastructure through a bipartisan agreement to get our nation and industries moving again.

After years of gridlock, the nation finally has an infrastructure framework worked out between the White House and a bipartisan group of lawmakers to fund a $1.2 trillion investment in new school construction, as well as labor standards applied to all new federally funded projects.

Now is the time to take action to build a modern-day American economy.

The below action is for members in the states of AZ, OR, WV, OH, NY, WA, and VA to reach out to their US Senators about the infrastructure package.

The following Senators are targeted due to their role in the process:

  • AZ – Sinema
  • OR – Wyden
  • WA – Murray, Cantwell
  • NY – Schumer
  • OH – Portman
  • VA – Warner
  • WV – Manchin

We encourage you to take action today!




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