Sheet Metal Workers Local | Operations Veterans Day Airsoft Tournament
- When: Saturday, November 2nd – 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Where: Tacoma Airsoft Center
- Directions: Click Here for Directions via Google Maps
- Cost: $35 per player | $175 per team of 5
- Food | Raffles | Prizes | Friends | Fun
To register, please contact Paulie 425.320.9299 or Vanessa 425.457.6946
SMART ARMY TOY DRIVE | Drop Off Deadline December 11th
- Organizer Notes: This is the final day for the toy drive drop-off. For more information, please visit
SMART ARmy Baby Item Donation | Drop Off Deadline December 15th
- Organizer Notes: This is the final day for the baby item drop-off. For more information, please visit:
Dear SMART Local 66 Members,
We are excited to announce a retirement party for Mike Westervelt, Dana Salsman, and Ken Plampin on February 19th at the Moose Lodge in Longview, Wa at 5:30.
Dear SMART Local 66 Members,
We are excited to announce a retirement party for Mike Westervelt, Dana Salsman, and Ken Plampin on February 19th at the Moose Lodge in Longview, Wa at 5:30.
Dear SMART Local 66 Members,
We are pleased to announce that we have scheduled a Retirement Seminar for all members age 52 and over that are part of the Western Washington/Bellingham Building Trades contractual areas. Please see the details below:
Dear SMART Local 66 Members,
We encourage you to attend the upcoming Smoketober Fest a SMART Army event this Halloween weekend. $25 a person with all proceeds to benefit the VanPevenage Family, as their 11-year-old son is fighting cancer.
Learn More and Donate HERE:

Location: Everett Union Hall
Address: 11831 Beverly Park Rd B-2, Everett, WA 98204
Meeting Start Time: 5:00 pm
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