Anti-Union Groups and Employers Are Trying To Destroy Our SMART Sheet Metal Apprenticeship Programs

SMW 66 Member Call to Action – Apprenticeship Programs

Anti-Union Groups and Employers Are Trying To Destroy Our SMART Sheet Metal Apprenticeship Programs Let’s not let them. In late June, the Department of Labor issued proposed rules governing the introduction of new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs). These privately-run apprenticeship programs will not be subject to the same standards and rules governing current programs. Currently, […]

Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 66 is now on social media... Follow Us @smartlocal66

Did You Hear… SMW 66 is now on Social Media!

We are proud to announce that Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 66 is now on social media.  Our goal with social media is to provide more information on upcoming events, share union news, update members and supporters, along with sharing information – just like you do with your friends and followers. Where to find us: […]

Mother Earth Farm Volunteer Opportunity | Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 66

Volunteer Opportunities

SMART Month of community action is coming this April. Local 66 Women’s Committee and SMART Army are joining to partner with Mother Earth Farm. We will be assisting the farm with seeding, weeding, composting and irrigation. Mother Earth Farm is an 8-acre organic farm located in Puyallup. The farm distributes more than 100,000 pounds of […]

32nd Annual Golf Tournament | Sheetmetal Workers Local Union 66

32nd Annual Golf Tournament

Put Saturday, May 18, 2019 on your calendars for a fun time with members and friends! Entry Fee of $95 per person and will be held at the Auburn Golf Course.  Please read the flyer below for full details.

New Trends in Addiction Treatment

First, what is the definition of addiction?  The American Heritage® Dictionary defines addiction (ə-dĭkˈshən) as: The compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved […]

Stress Management 101

Obligations, bills, work, family, health, financial concerns, can I pay that bill – life has its challenges but how we handle the problems can lead to stress or success. For many, life can be challenging. In a nutshell, we have the ability to remain calm and in control, if we handle ourselves properly. However, learning […]

Feeling Alone During The Holidays

Everywhere we turn during the holiday season, we are bombarded by happy and uplifting messages—on television we see images of people opening the “perfect gift”, and, on the streets, we are awash in festive decorations and seasonal light displays. So why at different times during the holiday season do so many of us experience loneliness, […]