Tag: Support

Your Voices Were Heard Loud and Clear

Solidarity has been tested and we’ve come out on top Brothers and Sisters! The attack by the current administration on our apprenticeship programs has taken a turn. Our apprenticeship programs have been excluded from the wage averaging dilution method that is about to be adopted through the Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Program (IRAP). This is not […]

Protecting the Right to Organize

Right now, Congress has a critical opportunity to strengthen workers’ rights. Lawmakers, in 2019, introduced the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, H.R. 2474, which would give millions of America’s worker’s additional protections to organize and negotiate for better pay and benefits, and a voice on the job. The U.S. House of Representatives will […]

New Trends in Addiction Treatment

First, what is the definition of addiction?  The American Heritage® Dictionary defines addiction (ə-dĭkˈshən) as: The compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved […]

Stress Management 101

Obligations, bills, work, family, health, financial concerns, can I pay that bill – life has its challenges but how we handle the problems can lead to stress or success. For many, life can be challenging. In a nutshell, we have the ability to remain calm and in control, if we handle ourselves properly. However, learning […]